Day Visitors

We are now open to the public and taking inquires about indoor and outdoor visitors! Day visitors are welcome to walk our forest paths, work alongside our members in the gardens, or meditate in the Stone Circle.

All are welcome. If you are thinking of visiting, it is best to call or email us to inform us of your plans. Meals with the community may be arranged then as well if available.

Community Tours


We can conduct formal tours of the community upon request. A tour is also a part of our Community Experience Weekend. Tours are arranged through our guest department manager, you will find their contact email below.

Tours are great for educational groups that want to learn about sustainability, intentional community, organic gardening, and/or other aspects of our shared activities. We often make such arrangements for classes from local elementary schools, and also for college groups that may travel great enough distances to warrant spending a weekend. Visitors are also welcome to tour the premises on their own using maps we provide and tips from community members passing by.

To arrange a tour for individuals or groups please contact